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  CARL KIM ThinkFeelAct.Life Psychotherapy & Counselling, Chelmsford, Essex, and Online 

The following information pertains to Carl Kim as the sole representative of 'Think Feel Act Psychotherapeutic Counselling Limited' (trading at ThinkFeelAct.Life). ​


Social media

As a professional individual and entity I have social media presences including on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. I use these to stay informed about information that may impact me professional, as well as to connect with other professional entities for the purpose of furthering my professional practice.



My use of social media and forms of digital media will never involve the disclosing or sharing of any information relating to my clients or their identity. Any information relating to clients will be generalised and aggregated, and not pertain to any individual even when such information is anonymised.


Data protection

I will never share my clients’ personal details, including contact details, with any third party other than by the conditions set out in my Therapy Agreement (which my clients have already agreed to). These details are stored in an encrypted file. Client notes and other records are stored in a locked filing cabinet, a password-protected computer, and a fingerprint or password protected mobile phone. Session notes are kept for three years and then destroyed. These practices are in accordance with GDPR. I am registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office.


Client rights

A client can request to see their client notes. I have one month to respond to such a request. It may be that, due to my insurance company or membership body requirements, I am unable to erase details of my work with a client until seven years have passed.


Further information

If you have any questions regarding my Privacy and Digital Policy please contact me using the contact form or by emailing me at ​

Carl Kim

UKCP Membership no.: 2011173869

BACP Membership no.: 389130

© Copyright ThinkFeelAct.Life Psychotherapy & Counselling

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